FIEF Tokenomics

The total supply of FIEF will always be capped at 500,000,000.

This supply will gradually decrease with activity on Fiefdom, as each transaction burns the FIEF gas used. This places FIEF into a steady deflationary state.

FIEF Distribution

FIEF's TGE occurred on the Avalanche network via the Rocket Joe fair launch system, where protocol-locked liquidity was held throughout the entire market drawdown, offering holders liquidity unmatched by other projects on the network.

Originally, 65% of the supply (325M) was set to be released via IGMs. However, the IGM sale concluded in August 31, 2022 to make room for improved implementations of the FIEF token supply across our platform.

To further improve decentralization of FIEF and incentivize the adoption of Fiefdom, an allocation of FIEF has been provided to be distributed to Fiefdom participants, including users and developers. The amount of tokens was unlocked in July 2023, but will be released progressively.

Last updated